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  • Know Your Irish Symbols

    Know Your Irish Symbols

    If you’re not familiar with Irish culture, the number of emblems and icons can be confusing. To help you navigate their meaning and significance, we created this quick guide that...

    Katie Rhodes |

  • Prepare for Your Easter Celebration!

    Prepare for Your Easter Celebration!

    Hippity Hop! Easter is on its way—and that means gatherings are order. Whether you’re hosting a crowd or spending the day with a few close loved ones, these tips can...

    Katie Rhodes |

  • Use Irish Preserves to Serve a Crowd

    Use Irish Preserves to Serve a Crowd

    Spring is in full swing, and that means parties and impromptu gatherings are on the rise. It’s no secret that conversations seem to flow more freely and friends seem to...

    Katie Rhodes |

  • Featured Galway Irish Crystal

    Featured Galway Irish Crystal

    Nearly 30 years ago, Galway joined the Belleek Group which includes famous Belleek Parian China and Aynsley China – three prestigious brands which further enhanced the position of Galway Crystal...

    Katie Rhodes |

  • Galway Crystal History

    Galway Crystal History

    Ireland has long been known as a premier producer of fine crystal. The country’s tradition of quality craftsmanship coupled with a desire to pass down this knowledge from generation to...

    Katie Rhodes |

  • Featured ShanOre® Jewelry

    Featured ShanOre® Jewelry

    ShanOre® jewelry collections have become strong favorites with lovers of Celtic and Irish designs from around the globe. This wonderful world of ShanOre® is not only filled with exquisitely designed...

    Andrew Domerese |

  • 3 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

    3 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

    It’s here! Perhaps the most highly anticipated Irish holiday of the calendar year—otherwise known as St. Patrick’s Day—has arrived. Which begs one question: how might you properly commemorate the day?...

    Andrew Domerese |