Keychains & Car Charms

Practical items also make some of the most thoughtful gifts you can give someone, especially when those gifts involve keys. Our selection of Irish keychains are decorative and practical, and there is probably someone you know who could really use one of these keychains right now. On the other hand, our selection of car charms are mostly decorative, but they too are packed with personal meaning to the one who is fortunate enough to receive one as a gift. You may also find other types of car accessories such as the Irish car coaster, an item that can help keep a cup holder clean.

Angels and Crosses

Religion plays a major role in some people’s lives, and for those who take their faith seriously, you can find Irish keychains and car charms that bring hope and comfort to gift recipients. The image of the angel is a popular one for those with Irish heritage, and it’s common to see guardian angels featured as a heavenly charm or visor clip, so keep an eye out for angelic car accessories. Likewise, the Christian cross is a beloved symbol of faith, and a cross car charm is a strong testimony of faith for those who travel a lot by car.

Personal Keychains

There are so many good ways to express personal sentiments via a keychain and these styles make wonderful gifts for someone special. A good example of this style is keychains designed to be given to a close member of the family. Look for Irish mom and dad keychains and snap them up when you see them. These work well as an add-on gift item or a stocking stuffer.

Proudly Irish

You can easily spot the keychains and visor clips designed for those who proudly embrace their Irish heritage. These are the items that brim with Irish symbolism and wisdom. Good gift ideas are items featuring popular Irish symbols such as the Claddagh, shamrock and trinity knot.